The Challenge

This idea is wholly that of Jen's from her oh-so-inspiring blog, "A Year of Living Charitably". When I read her blog, I felt challenged to see if I could do what she and her family are doing this year, extending some charitable act each and every day.

Won't you join us?

PS - I'm not a daily blogger, so if you want daily, definitely read Jen's blog. This blog is mostly for my own amusement. If you are also amused, please check back every once in a while.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Learning to be a Webmaster

The website for our Irish dance school has been woefully out of date. The instructors/owners are so very busy running so many locations, keeping up with two very small children, and working with all the teams, and the website is just more than they have time to keep up.

Volunteered to take over the website upkeep.

A few hours today while I was sitting around waiting during Bekka's 6 hours of class, with more to come.

I'm hoping that, with an up to date website the school will grow and the families already in the school will have easier access to current information (it can get really frustrating, especially when you are new to Irish Dance, to try to figure it all out).


YES!! Not only am I providing a great service for the instructors/owners and the other school families (and potential families), I am learning to create and manage a website (something I've never done before).

Friday, January 30, 2009

Helping Connect

For the past year, I've been helping organize an group called Homeschool Central at the Boys & Girls Club of Corvallis. We opened in September and there are still lots of people who don't really know the other families, so we decided that a photo directory would be a good idea.

I set up my camera and my computer to start compiling the directory today.

Off and on for about two hours today. I'll do that for a couple more times and then put the actual directory together, which will probably take no more than two additional hours.

You know when you've been attending something for a while with the same people week to week and you either forget someone's name or just never knew it, but you've been talking with them weekly for months and are too embarrassed to ask? Or your kids have been attending an activity for months and want to invite that kid with the blonde hair to her birthday party (you know, the blonde girl!), but you aren't inviting everyone and don't want to deliver invites at the activity. Anyway, these are just two situations that the photo directory will relieve.


The whole reason we've been working on Homeschool Central is to help the diversity of homeschoolers in Corvallis connect. This will be one more tool to connect us all.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hope Kit Delivery

Almost a year ago our Girl Scout troop visited Medical Teams International in Tigard, OR to learn about what this organization does and how they help change the world. We toured the "Real Life" exhibit which walks visitors through the eight regions of the world MTI works their magic. The exhibit is emotional, impactful, and stirring without being graphic - it is very well done.

This visit inspired the girls to organize others to put together Hope Kits. They put together a presentation and a flier, then presented their project to our area Girl Scout leaders as well as a couple of service organizations. They collected and repackaged kits, then figured out what they were missing and purchased the rest.

Complete our kits and deliver them to Tigard.

4 hours

More than 100 families in other parts of the world will have soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and combs for about a year.

Yes. And it feels so good to be doing something that we will never see the results of.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cookie Orders

Today the troops' initial cookie orders were due. I reviewed each and every order to make sure none of the troops are getting stuck with cookies they won't be able to sell. I also reviewed all the girls' orders looking for speculation orders that didn't look right and contacted the troops that needed help. (This is completely not in the job description!)

Probably about three hours.

At least ten of the 27 troops should have a more pleasant, successful sale because they will have a mix of cookies that they can sell - and won't be stuck with two cases of Sugar Free Chocolate Chip when they've sold out of everything else.

We'll see at the end of the sale. So far the feedback has been very positive.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Parenting Workshop

Steffi is participating in the Coming of Age program at the UU Fellowship and I've volunteered to lead parenting workshops during some of the kids' sessions.


Planning and leading Parenting Workshops for parents of 12-14 year olds.

An hour and a half for each of 6 sessions plus planning time of probably three hours per session.

Hopefully I'll be able to help ten families enjoy the teen years with their kids - working with their kids rather than battling them.

We'll see, but the first session went really well.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cookie Mania

Okay, I'm a very involved community volunteer. One of the things I'm doing right now is the job of Service Unit Cookie Manager - facilitating 200 Girl Scouts in their annual cookie sale.

Training, sharing information, helping troop cookie managers make sense of the cookie sale.

Hours and hours. Today alone I spent at least an hour reporting problems, emailing answers, responding to troops, responding to our council employee. And today was a light day...

I'm determined to make the sale easier for the troops this year. Our council has changed significantly this year, and a lot of the cookie stuff is totally new and some of that isn't working very well yet.

I think so. I'm good at the job, I care about doing a good job, and I'm very detail oriented. Even though some of the troops are frustrated with all the changes, I know I'm buffering a lot of the potential problems from them. Some of them might have given up by now, and then the girls in their troops wouldn't have the support they need.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Piano Sitting!

Not often does charitable action give such a great tangible reward, but today we really hit the jackpot!

Our piano teacher called the other day. Her second cousin has just a couple of days to move and get their house ready to sell. They have an older baby grand piano that they need a home for ASAP! So we offered to house it for them for as long as they need it housed.

About an hour in calls, emails, and delivery/set up.

They were able to take care of something important - the piano - without a lot of hassle.

Heck ya! We are actually looking to buy an upright piano, but haven't been able to find one we want to buy. Both girls spent some time playing today, and Bekka even had a friend come over to play for a while this afternoon. Beautiful music filling the living room - definitely worth it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby Do You Need a Ride?

I spent a large chunk of time today in meetings - the first of which ran a little long. This meant that our host was in danger of missing her bus.

Noticing that she was running out of time, I offered her a ride to campus so she wouldn't feel so rushed.

No more than 5 minutes out of my way, if that.

We were able to wrap up our meeting without the stress of running over time, even though we had.

Not only did I help a friend, I got company on the ride home, so yes, totally worth it.

I was also a recipient of a small charitable act this morning - I was running late to my first meeting of the day and hadn't eaten, so I stopped by the bakery. The man in front of me seemed to sense that I was in a hurry (I did have my money out before I even got to the counter), and invited me to go ahead of him. This probably saved me five minutes, so I was very grateful for this small act of kindness.

Painting Gone Wild

Our friends just bought a house in the next town. It was built in something like 1914 and it's really great. However, the living room is mint green, really mint green. The walls, the trim, the custom mini blinds, the door, the stairs. Really! Well, it was until tonight...

Gather the troops (the GS troop, that is) and paint, paint, paint! We obliterated all the mint green (except the blinds, that's a different kind of project all together).

About 2 hours with seven of us working (well, about half an hour with all of us working, and 2 hours to finish the edges)

Our friend is so happy with her new paint, and the room looks so much better. All that's left is the white trim painting, that she'll be able to whip out tomorrow. She is excited about furnishing her new living room, and we saved her many, many hours of painting alone.

Absolutely - we all had a blast - the kids played hide 'n go seek after they finished the big walls and we got her project done in record time.

Thinking Back to All the Little Things Already Done

So, I just learned about this today, and already half a month has gone by. So to start off, I'd like to just reflect on some of the charitable acts I've done so far this year. This post is really just for my own amusement - it is not particularly well written or interesting...

Wow, it's hard to remember. I was wanting to put them in some sort of order, but they just aren't coming to me that way.

Last Saturday I made sure to bring a tool with me to the dance studio to fix the door handle that has been broken for well over a month. Someone had replaced the "use other door" sign that morning, so I remembered right away to fix it. It was a little funny when the woman who had replaced the sign noticed it missing and called out in mild frustration - but she was so thankful when I told her it was no longer broken.

The week before that while I was getting a cart at Trader Joe's I noticed a man coming up to get a cart holding a toddler - so I got the cart turned around in the tight cart storage space and gave it to him. He seemed grateful to have one less thing to juggle.

A week ago Monday night I held another cookie training for all the troop cookie managers who hadn't been able to make it to one of the four trainings I had offered in December. I want to make this cookie sale the easiest so to date. Our Service Unit hasn't held cookie trainings in the past, but there is a lot of new information this year with a lot of changes, so I'm trying to be very flexible and thorough.

Holding doors open for people is just a way of life, but going out of our way to hold the door for someone juggling children and strollers and all the rest of it is something I really try to make a point of doing. Last Friday at the Boys & Girls Club a mom was approaching a nearby door pushing a stroller, holding the baby, and trying to keep hold of the toddler. I ran ahead to the door to get it for them. Not having children close in age, I can't even imagine trying to juggle all that and a heavy door!

I know there is so much more, but I'm just not coming up with them...

Challenge Extended

I'm so inspired by A Year of Living Charitably!

Here is the email that brought this project to my attention:
We're still in L.A. Visiting for the week, exploring museums and looking for ways to help the world (or at least a neighbor) while enjoying our stay. Today we wrapped up a pantry-cleaning project here at Mom's house by taking the gleanings to The Los Angeles Food Bank. The place is HUGE! But we learned that no matter how big the charity, and no matter how small our donation, it all helps!

This was part of our 2009 project -? a year of charitable deeds. I'm reporting on our projects, in hopes of encouraging others to get involved in their communities and to help keep us on track, on a dedicated blog - You can subscribe to the blog for free (directions are on the blog) or lurk. We'd love for you to take part in our family project.

If you like the idea, please spread the word. :)


This is such a powerful idea that I decided to take the idea as a challenge for myself, to see if I could live more charitably. I'm not as disciplined of a writer as Jenni, but I'd like to try to report here every day.

Challenge Extended - Challenge Accepted.

Won't you join us?