The Challenge

This idea is wholly that of Jen's from her oh-so-inspiring blog, "A Year of Living Charitably". When I read her blog, I felt challenged to see if I could do what she and her family are doing this year, extending some charitable act each and every day.

Won't you join us?

PS - I'm not a daily blogger, so if you want daily, definitely read Jen's blog. This blog is mostly for my own amusement. If you are also amused, please check back every once in a while.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Create Feis Program

I volunteered to create the Feis program for Feile Samhain this year. Of course, all the essential info was late in getting to me - like, we were supposed to get the finished product to the printer on Sunday and I didn't get the raw data files until Monday! But I got it done, and even received compliments on the finished product.

WHAT I DID: Take the information provided and create a 32 page program. I also created a lot of the dance ads for people - in the past they were to provide camera ready artwork, but I love designing the ads, so that was a special bonus for me and for them!

HOW LONG: Oh boy, I didn't keep track, and I'm glad I didn't. It took about two weeks, and some of that time was very intense - staying up until 2am several nights in a row to get it to the printer within the turn around time.

IMPACT: Well, I saw lots of people using it at the Feis, but in addition to that - I got to see the reaction of one of the dancers when she saw the ad her mom placed - she was so thrilled and I had designed it. So fun!

WORTH IT: I so appreciate the Feis chairperson, and like to do what I can to help her. It was a very big way that I could help her and help our dance school, so yes, it was worth it. We also took the additional step of binding it ourselves (340 copies!), saving our TCRGs almost $1,000!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What a project. I have SOME idea of how much time this takes. Way to go!
